Check for moisture before dealing with the odor touch the carpet to see if it s wet.
Remove carpet mildew odor.
If you still have mildew and the musty smell on your carpet try using a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.
Shake baking soda onto the rug if the musky smell still hangs around even after cleaning the mildew.
Using foam carpet shampoo as an alternative.
Mildew smell is normally caused by mold sprouts.
Many people will utilize deodorization solutions such as baking soda and vinegar to help alleviate the odors on the surface of the carpeting however when it comes to removing mildew odors that are stuck deep down in the carpet padding and subfloor you will need a more proficient solution such as the odorklenz subfloor treatment kit that reaches down to the subfloor to remove odor sources.
This normally occurs when the carpet has been underwater wet or damp for quite some time.
A mildew odor trapped in carpet fibers not only smells bad but it could indicate a moisture problem such as a leak.
Implementing the above home remedies can help to completely remove the odor.
Next after giving the carpeted area time to air dry use your vacuum cleaner to suck up the baking soda.
These carpet cleaning professionals have the right cleaning tools which are effective in removing the mildew odor once.
Use carpet shampoo to remove the musty odor.
Even if you can t see any spots or growth if an odor is present there are spores growing and treatment is needed.
You can use a commercial odor removing cleaner or you can mix your own cleaner with white vinegar and water.
5 squeeze any extra soap from the rag.
To purge any remaining traces of odor you ll now need to pour a little bit of baking soda over the freshly cleaned areas.
If mold and mildew have taken hold within your carpet however you may need to clean the carpet more aggressively with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.
If the odor still lingers an alternative would be to apply to clean the carpet using a sponge just make sure not too apply too much moisture to the area.
Allow the baking soda to sit on the carpet overnight and then vacuum it the following day.
Spraying baking soda on rug.
Whatever type of fungus growth you see or smell it should be removed because it can eat away at natural fibers damaging and weakening the fabric and leave stains on all types of fabric.
The odor of mold or mildew is pungent and often putrid.
For every part of hydrogen peroxide used use five parts of water.
Now that you ve given your carpet a good scrubbing you re nearly finished removing the carpet mildew smell.
If you have a lot of set in pet odors you may need to treat the entire carpet with a carpet cleaner such as a green machine or a rug doctor.
If you catch a whiff of wet carpet smell in your home see if you can remove the mustiness with baking soda and your strongest vacuum.